Sunday, 24 March 2013

Though this world is mine, However I don’t Belong to it..!!

Nothing to write on it, but Something yet to feel about it...

There is nothing unsaid before, but Something yet to be spoken...

No one is unrecognized here, but I have yet to identify the true being within...
All places are visited, but the Roads inside are yet less traveled...

Accomplish many targets in life, but Main Goal is yet to be Focused...

First Step Towards Success : 'Schedule'

 How Important Schedule is? Let me ask this to you!! Do you think the same way that schedule is really First step towards your Success. Do you think that you would get all if you follow a proper schedule?

Then you are right:  you could get all if you have a proper schedule for the things you are dreaming to achieve.

I have been figuring out my life for a long and always fail to complete the survey of right and wrong things in my life. Because I was lacking somewhere. Something was there which I was not following to figure out my life in an exact manner.  

But fortunately I came across to this part of my life which we say ‘SCHEDULE’.

Friday, 22 March 2013

You have to create yourself !!

A few of us must think that we have been sent on earth to serve a purpose.

But how many of us actually know that what exactly we need to do?

Answer: A few or almost none!!

Most of us just follow their thoughts and spend their lives to get this answer. Right!!

I believe that I got the answer with me. I was looking at one wallpaper which I downloaded from internet and saved in my laptop.  I did download it a few Months back, because I thought the quote is impressive.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

How important to balance Your Life???

Balance is the most crucial aspect of the life. But most of us are just living an unbalanced life which ultimately takes us to the frustration and failure.

So, the question arises how could we maintain a Balance between all our things.
Answer is very obvious but effective:

 Set priorities for you=>

People make a very common mistake while setting their priorities. And the common thing is; they set their Families as a priority. No, if we would go that way than we couldn’t maintain a perfect Balance in our life.