Thursday, 21 March 2013

How important to balance Your Life???

Balance is the most crucial aspect of the life. But most of us are just living an unbalanced life which ultimately takes us to the frustration and failure.

So, the question arises how could we maintain a Balance between all our things.
Answer is very obvious but effective:

 Set priorities for you=>

People make a very common mistake while setting their priorities. And the common thing is; they set their Families as a priority. No, if we would go that way than we couldn’t maintain a perfect Balance in our life.

Your Family is not a Priority. It is actually a part of you. Family is not a thing or some work to do with. Family becomes when there is a father who secretly loves his children, when mother cares like her son or daughter is the most sensitive child of this planet and when sisters and brothers fight with each other due to some silly reason like a ball or a slice of pizza.

That’s why we can’t mark our family as a priority. Family is above all the priorities which we set for us.

Now, let’s get down to the main topic of Maintaining ‘Balance’.

It isn’t always easy to set priorities and start working on it initially. But believe me it’s just a matter of time you would shortly realize that things are getting better and better with passing of time.

But, another thing to conceive:
 why the hell you would believe on this crap which written by someone to whom we have never met and without knowing who is he??

Then my lord I would I like to say something on this for sure: Life is uncertain and we never know that what would happen very next moment. But after setting our priorities at least we could be assured that we are pursuing all that moment in our lives about which we care or love.
"Pursuing your dreams is what makes you feel Alive"

But make sure the priorities which you are setting for you would be entertained in a proper manner. Never take any of your priority as a grant. Love it and live every moment of it as this is the last day of your life.

Life is itself a living creature. If you would manage your time and works in a proper manner you would get lots of good stuff in return. Because it is a give and take relationship between life and us.

There is another blog which could help you in setting your priorities.

Click Here:
 I could assure you that you would be successful in your field in which you are working so long and getting nothing out of it. So by maintaining a Balance in your life could lead yourself  to your destination and that's all we  ultimately want: SUCCESS.  

Stay Strong, Live Happily... 

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