1. If you want something, you have to start working for it:
When I started gym I was barely able to do any exercise by
my own. I always need someone to guide or look after me while I was doing some exercise.
Where I was not even capable of doing 10 kg bench press and on other hand my
fellow guys used to bench press of 90kg, 100kg and some somewhere around this.
But this is the actual time when your passion, your patience is checked. What I
have learnt at that time is;
compare yourself to someone else. Because you are very own kind of personality,
don’t try to be someone else. And if you are doing so, that means you are
insulting yourself. Everyone got something special and we have to find out that
special thing resides within us.”
2. Never Back Down:
I would not be mistaken if I say;” I got this attitude only
by working out in gym”.